Sunday, February 3, 2008

More from New Years.....

Today is Sunday and we woke up to MORE snow. This time they actually cancelled our church meetings... which is a bit humorous because our church building is less than a 1/2 mile away... but the parking lot wasn't plowed and after the snow plows came through the streets, no one could get out of their driveways. Michael is out shoveling right now. We had an added bonus to our day.... after Michael showered this morning, there was a strong gas odor in the house. And then the smoke alarms started to go off. Grrr. So Michael went out in the blizzard and cleared the vents. That seemed to remedy the problem. Til I showered. And then, no gas smell, but the alarms started again. Okay, then everything seemed fine again. Well then, no hot water. Sure enough, the pilot light was out. Problem now is we can't get it lit. Grrrrr again. Wonder how this will resolve.... Okay, so more about New Years....

We spent New Years Eve playing "Settlers of Catan." Does anyone else play this? (Besides those of you I know about.... Bohlings, McIllece.) Lots of fun, but it would be more fun if I won every once and awhile. For the record, Karen won. Even Max got in on the guitar hero action.... Michael would hit the notes and Max would strum...very excitedly!
Mommy and Ari....
Ari just looking cute....

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