Sunday, September 13, 2009

Max loses his first tooth....

So my sweet little boy is growing up... *sniff*... He lost his first tooth the end of March 2009. He got money from the tooth fairy... $1.50. But when he woke up, the dollar bill had fallen off the bed and he insisted he only got .50. There was no convincing him otherwise ("that $1.00 was already there!"), but his parents KNOW that the tooth fairy left $1.50. So then the next tooth that fell out, well he lost that one. So we finally left the tooth fairy a note that the tooth was lost. She left a note that she had found it and left $1.50 again. So then Max got the bright idea that he could just leave notes claiming to have lost teeth and score some dough from the easily-duped tooth fairy. His parents assured him that she would know if he had really lost a tooth or not!

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